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Infrared Red Light Therapy

Get In The Know and Now!

It's time to get out of the dark ages of therapies and enter the light. Red light therapy encompasses a host of benefits that should be included in any wellness routine. The term 'red light therapy' is a broad term that can include infrared and LED technologies used for increased healing time, anti-aging collagen stimulation, reduced muscle soreness, mental health, and more. 

Light Therapy


Here at Celcius we have the most powerful infrared red light panels on the market. Infrared and red light are the two wavelengths that can properly penetrate the skins dermis layers. The really cool part is that each layer penetrates at it's own depth and each has specific benefits to that depth. The use of this therapy has been deemed "biohacking" as like a secret weapon for recovering, rejuvenating, and healing. 


Along with cold therapy mentioned in the previous section, light therapy has been used by ancient civilizations. Egyptian's used light therapy for healing, along with Greece, China, and India using chromotherapy (colour) as well. That research can be found here. NASA was then the first to reveal the science of IR on humans to prevent muscle and bone atrophy here.


Feel The


As evidenced, the human body needs light to be healthy. Clinical studies has shown that red and infrared light that falls between the wavelength range of 650-850 nm, is extremely beneficial, and, is regarded as a deep penetrating “therapeutic window” here. Our devices cover from this therapeutic range WITHOUT the harmful effects of UV that cause aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer. 


Our full body red and near infrared LED panels absorb light the same way as visible light via chromophores in our cells. Once activated, a range of metabolic processes are set in motion by ATP (energy) synthesis from the mitochondria. The red wavelengths go skin depth and promote collagen production and wound healing whereas the infrared wavelengths go deeper to successfully target muscle and joint pain amongst others! 


Inside Out


Infrared and red light is not a weird scary technology, it actually comes naturally from the sun! (although in way lower irradiance due to the distance of the sun). This red wavelength of the sun's spectrum is what gives us that sense of well being after being in the sun for awhile, along with, vitamin D production as well.


As you can see here, there is a pattern here at Celcius to use your body as a NATURAL way of healing from the INSIDE OUT and not by using cover up masking medicines and pharmaceuticals! 


You are probably thinking now, "Will it work for me?!" After learning the modalities, we can see it works very well for some conditions, and, also, that it is not applicable for others. By understanding the science, we can see the array of potential benefits that no other technique can accomplish!

Figure courtesy of Wellman Center for Photomedicine.

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